Thursday, July 2, 2020

At home with nature

How I wish you were here
in the frigid water flowing against my sore and tired feet
how I wish you were here
to blow soft kisses through my hair when the weather is hot and unbearable
how I wish you were here to sing me a song as you fly through the pale blue sky
how I wish you were here
with your sweet smelling perfume that tickles my nostrils 
how I wish you were here
to see Gods painting in the sunset
as he swirls the pastel colors with his fingertips
Maybe it's not so much that I wish you were here 
but I wish I was there
being one with nature
yes, I wish I was there 

Daily drawing mix and story: The day and life of a cowgirl

"I hear ya. I hear ya" Michaela said as she turned over in her bed.  She used her fluffy pillow as a barrier against the noisy animals outside to no avail.  "Why oh why did I want to live in the country again?"  Michaela said as she let out a big sigh. She grew up on her parents farm and moved away right out of high school with a boy she hardly talked to these days.  She came back to the Montana ranch shortly after her parents passed and remembered how wonderful it was to grow up with many animals to play with during the day.  She thought it was living in solitude with the babbling brook, birds singing a morning song, and wind rustling through the trees.  Her memory failed to include her current morning symphony of sounds like her colt who thinks his hunger should override her sleeping in.  The beautiful sound of the barn swallows were non existent and is replaced by a big black crow whose sound is a cross between a toddler throwing a temper tantrum and car brakes going out.  Wearily Michela crawls out of bed and stretches in her morning tree pose.  The sun is already up and pierces her eyes like small pokes of polluted air.  She grabs her tattered hat and muddy boots that lay at the end of the bed from the night before.  MewMew kitty knows this is a sign that she too needs to get up and protect Michela on her small walk to the hay barn.  Why she needs protection only MewMew knows.  She doesn't bother putting on pants as it is already 90 degrees and her nearest neighbor lives 4 miles away.  She grabs an apple with a slight bruise on it and a carrot from the dining room table.  The apple is her lead rope for the feisty colt and the carrot is for the rabbit that appears each morning on the path.  This really upsets MewMew as she too feels this is her property and the rabbit poses an imminent threat.  The cool air hits Michela's face first and thighs later.  Jasper hears the door creek and comes running around the house like a barrel racer to the home stretch.  He knows that his morning snack is first to ward off the hunger pain before filling up with crisp hay leaves.  The path is filled with many tracks of animals that come out only at night and hide during the day.  Michela sees the rabbit before MewMew and this startles her as she strikes a pose much like one in a Jackie Chan movie.  The old black crow is watching closely as he knows that the young colt is a messy eater and will most likely leave a trail of treats.  The buck up on the hill has a similar idea but not from the apple that falls from the colts mouth but that which is left over from the rabbit and his juicy carrot.  Michela knows that the animals eat first and then she can go back to the farmhouse and fix her morning coffee.