Thursday, July 2, 2020

At home with nature

How I wish you were here
in the frigid water flowing against my sore and tired feet
how I wish you were here
to blow soft kisses through my hair when the weather is hot and unbearable
how I wish you were here to sing me a song as you fly through the pale blue sky
how I wish you were here
with your sweet smelling perfume that tickles my nostrils 
how I wish you were here
to see Gods painting in the sunset
as he swirls the pastel colors with his fingertips
Maybe it's not so much that I wish you were here 
but I wish I was there
being one with nature
yes, I wish I was there 

Daily drawing mix and story: The day and life of a cowgirl

"I hear ya. I hear ya" Michaela said as she turned over in her bed.  She used her fluffy pillow as a barrier against the noisy animals outside to no avail.  "Why oh why did I want to live in the country again?"  Michaela said as she let out a big sigh. She grew up on her parents farm and moved away right out of high school with a boy she hardly talked to these days.  She came back to the Montana ranch shortly after her parents passed and remembered how wonderful it was to grow up with many animals to play with during the day.  She thought it was living in solitude with the babbling brook, birds singing a morning song, and wind rustling through the trees.  Her memory failed to include her current morning symphony of sounds like her colt who thinks his hunger should override her sleeping in.  The beautiful sound of the barn swallows were non existent and is replaced by a big black crow whose sound is a cross between a toddler throwing a temper tantrum and car brakes going out.  Wearily Michela crawls out of bed and stretches in her morning tree pose.  The sun is already up and pierces her eyes like small pokes of polluted air.  She grabs her tattered hat and muddy boots that lay at the end of the bed from the night before.  MewMew kitty knows this is a sign that she too needs to get up and protect Michela on her small walk to the hay barn.  Why she needs protection only MewMew knows.  She doesn't bother putting on pants as it is already 90 degrees and her nearest neighbor lives 4 miles away.  She grabs an apple with a slight bruise on it and a carrot from the dining room table.  The apple is her lead rope for the feisty colt and the carrot is for the rabbit that appears each morning on the path.  This really upsets MewMew as she too feels this is her property and the rabbit poses an imminent threat.  The cool air hits Michela's face first and thighs later.  Jasper hears the door creek and comes running around the house like a barrel racer to the home stretch.  He knows that his morning snack is first to ward off the hunger pain before filling up with crisp hay leaves.  The path is filled with many tracks of animals that come out only at night and hide during the day.  Michela sees the rabbit before MewMew and this startles her as she strikes a pose much like one in a Jackie Chan movie.  The old black crow is watching closely as he knows that the young colt is a messy eater and will most likely leave a trail of treats.  The buck up on the hill has a similar idea but not from the apple that falls from the colts mouth but that which is left over from the rabbit and his juicy carrot.  Michela knows that the animals eat first and then she can go back to the farmhouse and fix her morning coffee.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Daily drawing mix and story: Meet Me at the Gym

Wind=blue, Virginia= purple, Julie =orange
"Let the sun radiate energy into your subconscious" said Wind.  "Feel the pull in your chakra and extend it out through your digits.... past the flesh and out to the particles of the room..." "Do you actually believe in this bull?" said Virginia as she sat grabbed a pair of dumb bells from the shelf.  Wind kept talking as if she didn't hear her friend "in turn inhale those charged particles back into your lungs that keep you alive."  With a big sigh as she rolled her eyes, Julie sat flat on the mat "All I smell is the smell of old testosterone oozing from the pores of over aged men who think its their role in life to pose like Michelangelo's "David" as they look into the mirror."  Virginia laughed as Wind extended her lower limbs toward the rooftop.  "Those men are works of art... makes me want to take up carving.... no sculpture is what it called isn't it?  Look at those rippling abs and strong muscles in the upper chest,  Wind.... Wind.... what is the muscles in the upper chest area called?"  Virginia said excitingly. "Haven't you ever taken an anatomy class....ZEEZ!" Julie said with a look of disgust.  "Its called the pectoralis major and if you did this headstand with me and place your arms wide, chest expanded, and inhale your lungs with positive energy....." said Wind in this whispery type of voice "you could allow your inner spirit to fill your chest cavity."  Julie exhaled so loud that it startled Wind and she fell from her headstand.  "I gave up my Saturday morning for this?  Jingles needed to get her claws trimmed! When am I going to find time to do it now?" Julie retorted.  "You can have all my Saturday mornings as long as I get a view of that large chocolate shake!" Virginia smiled big and nodded her head toward a well built black man doing chest press exercises.  He smiled big as he noticed Virginia starting to drool.  He glanced at Julie and gave her a look of total disgust.  "That's why it is just you and Jingles!" said Wind as she lifted her butt in the air, keeping her hands firmly on the ground while her head looked toward her belly, much like a cat.  "Jingles loves that he is the only man in my life.  He cuddles with me each night and purrs in my ears to tell me he loves me.  What man can say that out there?" said Julie.  "Downward dog ladies!" yelled Wind. Both girls turned to look at wind in her unusual yoga pose.  Julie stood up and puffed out her chest "did she just call us dogs?"  "No silly.... downward dog is the pose I am in currently to release the negative energy that has built up by listening to you two!"  Wind said rather loudly.  Virginia smiled as Julie stood up and headed out the door.  Apparently Jingles texted and wanted her home.  She excused herself and waved a short wave before running out the door.  "Well okay then... I don't know about cats but I know what I want to cuddle up to tonight!" said Virginia as she pulled the front of her shirt lower to show some cleavage and headed toward the well built man starting to work on crunches.  "Alone again... thank God" said Wind as she got on the floor for a cobra pose.

Daily drawing mix with story: Walking down the street

It was a bright summer's day and I needed to get some air.  I was cooped up in my apartment and needed a smoke. I was reviewing a case where a madman murdered two women and dumped their bodies in a small lake just outside of town.  I hadn't even taken off my jacket when I saw an unusual sight.   A man (I think) was walking down the street with a large wicker basket over his head.  That would have been strange enough but on top of the basket was two bullfrogs.  Each large enough to be a meal but stacked up like a hamburger.... You know with their feet as melted cheese going over the side.  I couldn't believe my eyes!  I stood there like an imbecile with my mouth open and my eyes gazing upward toward the toads.  For a moment I forgot about the case that I was working on earlier.  I was drenched with files and beer and thought about the decline of humanity.  The sight on the street didn't help my mind dissipate my thoughts.  I heard an loud obnoxious sound.  I couldn't even reproduce it if I tried.  It was a high pitched scream much like a dying rabbit makes.  I covered my ears and looked up the road.  I saw a young girl with legs that went 3/4 of the way up her body.  She looked odd but her mouth wasn't open and spewing that awful sound.  Her head was tilted sideways looking at the green slimy pile upon the mans head.  Once again the noise blared out followed by some grunts.  It was then I saw a pig.... I kid you not.. trotting down the road at a fast pace.  My mind flashed a gruesome scene in which I was bitten on my ankle and fell backward.  The pig was angry and snorting... spit landed on my neck in which he was headed.  I did the total opposite of which I was taught to do and I freezed.  The pig didn't come toward my ankle but darted past the girl with stilt legs and up to the man with the basket on his head.  He reached down and stroked its back.  The pig looked like it smiled and continued on the road.  Just when things couldn't get any more bizarre the long legged girl shouted "Papa.... Papa!  The frogs are falling off the basket!  I will take Pennelope home and come back to help you with the frogs and boiling basket.  You know Momma will be sour with you if you loose our diner!"  Off she ran with the pig close behind.  Little did the pig know that Momma was planning to have ham and eggs for breakfast.

My grandbaby

Beauty through the eyes of a child
Smiles are abundant
Spirits are high
Grandma sees the mac and cheese
 in the hair of her grandson
He reaches up to grab a bit
and reaches out to share
Mom shakes her head
Grandma chuckles and takes the bait
The bond is increased as grandma plays pick a boo
with a washcloth
Grandma loves the games he plays
She antagonizes him to grab the sheet of stickers
from her purse
He struggles with the first small one but moves on to a larger one
where he places it squarely on grandmas forehead
The game begins, spirits are high
Smiles are abundant
to see the beauty of the world through
the eyes of a child