It was a bright summer's day and I needed to get some air. I was cooped up in my apartment and needed a smoke. I was reviewing a case where a madman murdered two women and dumped their bodies in a small lake just outside of town. I hadn't even taken off my jacket when I saw an unusual sight. A man (I think) was walking down the street with a large wicker basket over his head. That would have been strange enough but on top of the basket was two bullfrogs. Each large enough to be a meal but stacked up like a hamburger.... You know with their feet as melted cheese going over the side. I couldn't believe my eyes! I stood there like an imbecile with my mouth open and my eyes gazing upward toward the toads. For a moment I forgot about the case that I was working on earlier. I was drenched with files and beer and thought about the decline of humanity. The sight on the street didn't help my mind dissipate my thoughts. I heard an loud obnoxious sound. I couldn't even reproduce it if I tried. It was a high pitched scream much like a dying rabbit makes. I covered my ears and looked up the road. I saw a young girl with legs that went 3/4 of the way up her body. She looked odd but her mouth wasn't open and spewing that awful sound. Her head was tilted sideways looking at the green slimy pile upon the mans head. Once again the noise blared out followed by some grunts. It was then I saw a pig.... I kid you not.. trotting down the road at a fast pace. My mind flashed a gruesome scene in which I was bitten on my ankle and fell backward. The pig was angry and snorting... spit landed on my neck in which he was headed. I did the total opposite of which I was taught to do and I freezed. The pig didn't come toward my ankle but darted past the girl with stilt legs and up to the man with the basket on his head. He reached down and stroked its back. The pig looked like it smiled and continued on the road. Just when things couldn't get any more bizarre the long legged girl shouted "Papa.... Papa! The frogs are falling off the basket! I will take Pennelope home and come back to help you with the frogs and boiling basket. You know Momma will be sour with you if you loose our diner!" Off she ran with the pig close behind. Little did the pig know that Momma was planning to have ham and eggs for breakfast.
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