Wind=blue, Virginia= purple, Julie =orange
"Let the sun radiate energy into your subconscious" said Wind. "Feel the pull in your chakra and extend it out through your digits.... past the flesh and out to the particles of the room..." "Do you actually believe in this bull?" said Virginia as she sat grabbed a pair of dumb bells from the shelf. Wind kept talking as if she didn't hear her friend "in turn inhale those charged particles back into your lungs that keep you alive." With a big sigh as she rolled her eyes, Julie sat flat on the mat "All I smell is the smell of old testosterone oozing from the pores of over aged men who think its their role in life to pose like Michelangelo's "David" as they look into the mirror." Virginia laughed as Wind extended her lower limbs toward the rooftop. "Those men are works of art... makes me want to take up carving.... no sculpture is what it called isn't it? Look at those rippling abs and strong muscles in the upper chest, Wind.... Wind.... what is the muscles in the upper chest area called?" Virginia said excitingly. "Haven't you ever taken an anatomy class....ZEEZ!" Julie said with a look of disgust. "Its called the pectoralis major and if you did this headstand with me and place your arms wide, chest expanded, and inhale your lungs with positive energy....." said Wind in this whispery type of voice "you could allow your inner spirit to fill your chest cavity." Julie exhaled so loud that it startled Wind and she fell from her headstand. "I gave up my Saturday morning for this? Jingles needed to get her claws trimmed! When am I going to find time to do it now?" Julie retorted. "You can have all my Saturday mornings as long as I get a view of that large chocolate shake!" Virginia smiled big and nodded her head toward a well built black man doing chest press exercises. He smiled big as he noticed Virginia starting to drool. He glanced at Julie and gave her a look of total disgust. "That's why it is just you and Jingles!" said Wind as she lifted her butt in the air, keeping her hands firmly on the ground while her head looked toward her belly, much like a cat. "Jingles loves that he is the only man in my life. He cuddles with me each night and purrs in my ears to tell me he loves me. What man can say that out there?" said Julie. "Downward dog ladies!" yelled Wind. Both girls turned to look at wind in her unusual yoga pose. Julie stood up and puffed out her chest "did she just call us dogs?" "No silly.... downward dog is the pose I am in currently to release the negative energy that has built up by listening to you two!" Wind said rather loudly. Virginia smiled as Julie stood up and headed out the door. Apparently Jingles texted and wanted her home. She excused herself and waved a short wave before running out the door. "Well okay then... I don't know about cats but I know what I want to cuddle up to tonight!" said Virginia as she pulled the front of her shirt lower to show some cleavage and headed toward the well built man starting to work on crunches. "Alone again... thank God" said Wind as she got on the floor for a cobra pose.